BIG CONSTITUTIONamended in September 2021 1. NameThe name of the group shall be BIG STEM Communicators Network, herein after referred to as ‘BIG’. 1. ObjectThe objects of BIG shall be: 1.1 to provide a mechanism for individuals involved in running hands-on activities, managing exhibitions, developing or building hands-on exhibits and assessing their impact to exchange views on issues and developments in the field; 1.2 to support and encourage study into these areas of common interest and to disseminate findings from such studies through meetings and publications, as required by the membership; 1.3 to act as body of informed opinion which may be consulted by members and others on matters affecting hands-on activities and exhibitions; 1.4 to co-operate with other specialist groups to achieve common aims. 2. Membership2.1 BIG shall be an association of individual members whose work or interests lie in the field of science, technology, engineering and maths activities and who have paid the annual subscription. 2.2 The Executive Committee shall have the right: (a) to approve or reject applications for membership and, (b) for good and sufficient reason, to terminate the membership of any individual member provided that the individual member shall have the right to be heard by the said Executive Committee. 3. Subscription3.1 The annual subscription shall be determined by the Executive Committee and ratified by the membership at the annual meeting. The cost of subscription will be reviewed annually. Membership shall last twelve months from the time of payment. 3.2 The subscription from 2021 shall stand at £35.00, payable in Sterling. 4. AuditorsThe decision to appoint an auditor to examine and audit the accounts will be reviewed annually. 5. Officers5.1 The officers of the BIG Committee shall be the Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary, and Honorary Treasurer. 5.2 The officers shall be elected at the annual meeting to serve for one year. No officer shall serve for a period of more than 3 years nor shall they be eligible for re-election to any office for a period of one year thereafter. In the event that no other nominations are received for officer roles, the Executive committee can request that existing officers consider standing for election for those roles, even if they have already been in post for 3 years. 5.3 No person shall be entitled to hold office who is not a member of BIG. Any person ceasing to be a member during the period of office shall at the same time cease to be an officer of BIG. 6. Honorary Treasurer6.1 The officers shall be responsible for financial matters affecting BIG. The Honorary Treasurer shall cause proper accounts to be kept and these shall be inspected by the auditors when required. 6.2 Full audited accounts shall be presented to the membership once a year in time for consideration before the annual meeting. 6.3 All monies for and on behalf of BIG shall be paid into the bank account. 7. The Executive Committee7.1 The Executive Committee shall comprise the officers and up to 4 members elected annually to serve for one year. 7.2 The Executive Committee shall have power to co-opt up to 2 further non-voting members. 7.3 The Executive Committee shall meet at least 3 times per year. 8. ManagementSubject to the decisions of the annual meeting the management of the affairs of BIG shall be vested in the Executive Committee. Without prejudicing the generality of the foregoing the Executive Committee shall have the following powers: 8.1 to make such bye-laws and regulations for the management of BIG as may be desirable. Such bye-laws and regulations to be specifically ratified at the next annual meeting. 8.2 to enter into deeds, guarantees, and agreements in accordance with these rules as agents of BIG. 8.3 to buy the services of external providers to support the operation of BIG. 8.4 to appoint such committees with such powers and duties as they may from time to time deem necessary. 8.5 to regulate and oversee membership and to encourage the development of a regional network and supporting structures. 8.6 At least one-half of elected members shall form a quorum. 9. Annual ReportA report of the Executive Committee shall be made to the full membership at the annual meeting. 10. Annual General MeetingAn annual general meeting shall be held every year. (Note: it is intended that this should be at a venue representative of the geographical distribution of the membership.) The purpose of the meeting shall be: 10.1 to receive the report of the Executive Committee 10.2 to receive the report of the Honorary Treasurer and the accounts 10.3 to elect members of the Executive Committee. Any member shall be eligible to stand. They shall be proposed by one and seconded by another member. Voting shall be by simple majority. 11. DissolutionIf the Executive Committee by a simple majority decide at any time that on the ground of expense or otherwise it is necessary or advisable to dissolve BIG, it shall call a meeting of all members who have the power to vote, of which meeting not less than 21 day’s notice (stating terms of the resolution to be proposed thereat) shall be given. If such decision shall be confirmed by a two-thirds majority of those present and voting at such meeting the Executive Committee shall have power to dispose of any assets held by on behalf of BIG. Any assets remaining after the satisfaction of any proper debts and liabilities shall be given or transferred to such other charitable institution or institutions having objects similar to the objects of BIG as the committee may determine. |