Currently it’s all go putting the 60-plus action points from the Science for All Action Plan into life.
Based on recommendations from (and informed by) various consultations including the recent Science Communication Conference organised by British Science Association, the working groups are beginning to bear fruit. Here are a couple of highlights that you can expect to be coming your way soon.
The Science in Society team from the British Science Association led a session introducing the jazzily-named ‘Collective Memory’ at the BIG Event 2010 about how the entire community can share our expertise (all for free) and learn from each other.
However, for those who didn’t manage to make it, we need your help. Have a look at CollectiveMemory to see what the pilot scheme looks like and have a go adding an evaluation or two. Does it work for you? What would you find most useful? Have your say, and shape a tool that can help us all to learn from each other and plan and evaluate future activities.
Coming up in the near future will be some scoping work into exploring the networks that Sci-Commers use and find really helpful – what works for you? Also, a complete beginner’s guide to Social Media – how’s it being used to engage people with the sciences?