What’s so Special about STEM?
11 July 2014
University of Greenwich
Free conference organised by the STEM Disability Transition Group (STEM DTG)
Does studying and working in STEM fields really pose a specific challenge for disabled students? Have you ever thought that as the needs of disabled students are so wide-ranging you wouldn’t know where to start in supporting their STEM studies/employment? This free conference is for anyone involved in engagement with disabled individuals with a post-16 interest in STEM subjects. Keynote speaker: Prof Les Ebdon CBE, Director of Fair Access to Higher Education
Workshops include Science online – can technology re-open a school’s lab door? and What is science communication? An exploration of the implications for disabled graduates looking to work in this field. Book your free place here: www.royalholloway.ac.uk/stemdtgconf and for any questions, contact the Chair of the STEM DTG Lucy Yeomans lucy.yeomans@royalholloway.ac.uk
For more information on the STEM DTG see our LinkedIn page and blog
Contact BIG: admin@big.uk.com