Monday 7th January 2013 Thinktank, Birmingham
The Little Event is for people who are relatively new to STEM communication, whether they work in a science centre or museum, volunteer for a festival, are involved in university outreach, or do anything else to engage people with sciences.
It’s a lot like the BIG Event, but a bit smaller, and all crammed into one busy day. There will be four sessions, each focusing on developing a different skill, delivered by experienced science communicators following our usual hand-on approach:
- Learning Theory and Evaluation
- Presenting Science
- Interacting with the Public
- Careers
But of course the BIG Event isn’t just about the sessions, it’s the people you meet there too. The Little Event also presents a great opportunity to meet people from across the UK working in similar roles and sharing similar experiences.
BIG members: cost £45 login as a member first to be able to register for the member rate. To login as a member, use the email address you used to join BIG. If you can't remember what this is, please email admin@big.uk.com.
Non-members: you first need to join BIG costing £30 for the year and then come back and register for the Little Event at the £45 member rate.